New York and last week (Monday 25:th of July)
As the title says, it’s the last week here and we are spending it in New York because that is our favorite state and we wanted to explore more in New York. We have planned a little to do in New York this week, going over Brooklyn bridge, take a boat around Manhattan, shopping, museum, visit Soho, eat good and just living life. We will of course also visit one world trade center, where world trade center stood before the terrible incident happened, 9/11- 2011. It was act of terrorism, the objective was directed at civil and military buildings in USA. 2 of 4 planes flew into world trade center and the both towers plummeted. Approximately 2700- 3000 people died so this is a big incident for the americans because it feels as a threat but also because many people lost someone that day which make it even worse. Today there is a new tower there as I said but just one this time. Anyway, I really love New York because I love to be surrounded by many people, New York feels like a city with possibilities where you can be whoever you want, everything is okey there.
I just wanna give you a conclusion to this trip, as I said, I wanted to see new things and experience something new that maybe could give me something. It did it really did, I got to see how many other peoples living, other cultures and actually learn more about the world. This trip was really rewarding and not just that is was fun and a memory for life. This is a tip from me, take a roadtrip in USA, that was one of the best thing I have ever done in my life.
XO/ Johanna